Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The reason for the Sweetheart Howl Coyote Derby

1 st Annual Baker County Farm Bureau
Sweetheart Howl Coyote Derby


Benefiting Ranchers Relief Fund

Last fall, right about the time of the government shutdown a blizzard of unimaginable proportions tore through parts of South Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska.  Mainstream media largely failed to cover the losses of tens of thousands of cattle, sheep, horses and wildlife in the region.  In some cases these losses could be great enough to not only destroy a years worth of work for ranchers, but an entire lifetime’s. 

One thing you can always count on in rural areas is neighbors helping neighbors. 

Several groups have sprung up to help these folks out, some are gathering donated cattle and others funds to help rebuild livestock operations throughout the region affected.   BCFB will be donating all proceeds (after expenses) of the Sweetheart Howl Coyote Derby to the Ranchers Relief Fund.  We hope that you’ll donate your coyotes to BCFB to be sold to fur buyers to add to the grand total for RRF.

The hunt will kick off Friday evening February 14th with packet pickup and end with a great dinner, party, silent auction and awards gala the evening of Sunday the 16th. 

Out of town hunters, we will reserve a block of rooms at a local establishment.  If interested give us a call.

If you would like additional information or would like to donate be sure to call, email or text

Kim Jacobs (406) 570-6469  OR  Logan Kerns (541) 403-1200